Monday, January 03, 2005


Taiwan is definitely a great place to eat n grow fat for me!! I've grown 3kg but after coming back sg for a few weeks, I've also slimmed down back to the original point.. well, I think, working life is good. It gets ur brain to focus on something else other than food.. hehehehe... Oh, the toilet there for ladies... u know, it's different from normal toilet.. you cannot flush your toilet paper/tissue paper into the toilet bowl... They provide a dust bin beside the toilet bowl for you to throw.. My friend took a pic of it for evidence of what I've just said.. but well, their taiwan beer is very nice too!! How did I spend my Christmas Eve? Spent it with my buddies at Winnie's n Sebastian's house, exchanging christmas gift.. Hee... I got a bag, a cup, and bodyshop travel package gifts... Then, on Christmas day, I went to Sentosa chalet with a group of NEW TOWN secondary schoolmates and I think, there's abt 25 of us? But well, only 12 of us stay behind.. It's so fun n scary that night.. We went to tour the haunted house left behind before the war.. It's so torn n dark inside the house... Not enough moonlight managed to shine into that house... There's a lot of bats in one of the room... and of course, bat shits all over!!! Scary... The worst thing is.. There might be lots of spirits around us, curious abt us.. My friend capture lots of light balls in the back ground... but well... not sure if it's THEM we captured or is it just reflections.... But my other friend managed to find facial features in the light ball image... anyway, I'm not going to scare myself further, right now, esp.. alone in the night.. kekeke... I'm thinking of heading to Europe with friends in april.. But they're a married couple! I dun wish to be a light bulb!! unless I find a kaki to go with me... My best friend can't go with me as she just got a new job and it's within probation period... sob sob.... Anyway, will wait n c..... In the mean time... this is a little late.. but HAPPY NEW YEAR to u!! Hope u have already finalised ur New Year Resolution!!


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