Friday, February 11, 2005

Volunteer with me? ; )

Ever heard of someone's first-time patronising prostitutes or one night stand and infected with HIV virus? Suay is the word or is that just ignorance? How abt those men who do it on a regular basis and practise unsafe sex/acts? Is that really suay then or simply, does he/she really deserves it? It is a high risk taken to seek pleasure and such risk can be lowered with more precautions taken. Be it out of ignorance or is it he/she is stubborn to prevent HIV infection to his own body and bring disaster to his own life. The only thing we can help Action for Aids organisation (AFA) is to create more awareness and educate the vulnerable groups of pple. You know, if you would like to participate in this new initiative as a volunteer or simply would like more information , please email me ( or lionel ( Thanks, on behalf of my friend, a co-ordinator for Heterosexual Males Outreach Programme and they are targetting 40 volunteers this round! I'm volunteering too.. Would you join us too..?


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